Saturday, September 18, 2010

Library murmurers n mumblers

Every time I go into the library I am reminded that I am not alone in my state of mind. This is not just because there are other people in the library, fellow introverts, but because if you listen hard you will hear restless minds at work.
The first thing I always notice is murmuring, or talking to oneself. This happens frequently in libraries and there is always a strange dude in a coat who is sitting at a terminus talking to himself. Could be me right? I know, however I am frequently reminded when I see the librarians deal with the odd person patiently and kindly, talking to them as if they are a little mad but not mass murderers or petty thieves or vagrants (as I am certain the police would if they found them on the street) – that there is a certain normalcy of letting people be people in libraries.

The second is scrawling. I find it funny when people scrawl their thoughts in libraries, so I attach this one found in a National Geographic in scratchy handwriting:
MY LAST 4 MONTHS WERE ALMOST LIKE A PRISON SO I WON"T GIVE A BREAK FOR PEOPLE THAT PUT ME IN THIS SITUATION. (written in a national geographic entitled Hubble Renewed: The telescope sees more clearly than ever.)
I can't establish (ANY) business connections.
Well I myself would rather be in the library than in the office. But maybe that is just me.


Anonymous Lee Wilson said...

Yep. A liberal institution, the library - I once won a poetry competition in our branch here even though my poem satirised the market forces encroaching on that institution. I say liberal, but maybe just a smug tolerance of people no longer a threat.

(I've had to move my blog to

to escape some unwanted attention.)

12:50 pm  

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